Elementor vs Divi Builder

July 15, 2021

Elementor vs Divi Builder

Choosing the right website builder can make or break your website's success. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to make a decision. In this post, we will compare and contrast two popular page builders, Elementor and Divi Builder, to help you make an informed decision.

Ease of Use

When it comes to user-friendliness, both Elementor and Divi Builder offer a drag-and-drop interface that allows users to design pages visually. However, Elementor takes the lead in this category with a more intuitive interface and a simpler learning curve. Elementor's vast library of templates and widgets also makes it easy for users to create professional-looking pages with ease.

Winner: Elementor

Design Flexibility

Both Elementor and Divi Builder allow users to customize their designs with extensive styling options. However, Divi Builder offers more design options, including animations, hover effects, and shape dividers. In contrast, Elementor offers a more streamlined design experience with fewer options.

Winner: Divi Builder


Both Elementor and Divi Builder are known for their bloated code and heavy styling, which can have a negative impact on website performance. However, Elementor has taken steps to improve its performance, with features like HTML minification and lazy loading. Divi Builder has also made performance improvements in recent updates.

Winner: Tie


Elementor offers a free version with basic features and a pro version with additional features starting at $49 per year for one website. Divi Builder also offers a free version and a pro version starting at $89 per year for unlimited websites. However, Divi Builder includes a theme, while Elementor does not.

Winner: Divi Builder


Both Elementor and Divi Builder have a large and active user base, but Elementor is the more popular page builder, with over five million active installs.

Winner: Elementor


Ultimately, the decision between Elementor and Divi Builder comes down to personal preference and the specific needs of your project. Elementor is a better option for those who prioritize ease of use and popularity, while Divi Builder is better for those who want more design flexibility and a theme included.


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